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Preventing disasters by giving users time to respond before life, critical infrastructure or business continuity is compromised.
We protect high-value and irreplaceable assets belonging to the world’s top governments and businesses.
Beam Detectors
Specialist detection systems are sometimes the preferred option over point detection due to factors affecting installation, maintenance or the environment to which detectors will be exposed.

Open-area Smoke Imaging Detection (OSID) is an innovative system for reliable, cost-effective smoke detection for large, open spaces requiring standard sensitivity detection.

FireRay One is perfectly suited for small warehouses, with its cost effective protection and simple installation, as well as new buildings, with the Building Movement Tracking technology.

FireRay 5000 is the first of a new family of auto aligning infrared optical beam smoke detector products and accessories.

The FireRay® 3000 End to End Infrared Optical Beam Smoke Detector (OBSD) has been designed using the latest optical technology, incorporating modern industrial, electronic and software techniques.

The BDM800 Beam Detector Module is designed to interface the MZX FireRay 50R/100R/2000 Beam Detectors to the MZX Digital Addressable Loop.

In many cases it will be necessary to site the BDM800 Beam Detector Module some distance from the beam detector itself. To simplify wiring in such cases, the BTM800 Beam Termination Module is available.
Aspirating (Air Sampling) Detectors
Aspiration systems, like Beam detectors, connect directly to the MZX system loop through interfaces integral to the detectors.

The ICAM IAS800 Air Sampling Smoke Detection System provides a flexible solution for areas where other methods of detection are difficult to implement or where access is restricted.

The LaserCOMPACT detector has been specifically designed to provide all the benefits of aspirating smoke detection, including very early warning.

The VESDA LaserFOCUS multiple point air sampling technology works by utilising a highly efficient aspirator that continually draws air into its laser detection chamber via a pipe network.

VESDA LaserPLUS & LaserSCANNER put you in control by alerting you to pre-fire conditions. In essence, the prefire alert buys time – the critical element affecting fire emergencies.

The VEU series of aspirating smoke detectors is the premium detector of the VESDA-E range.

The VESDA VEP by Xtralis is a “next generation” early warning aspirating smoke detection (ASD) system, designed to protect a wide range of applications of up to 2000m².

The VESDA VLI is an early warning aspirating smoke detection (ASD) system, designed to protect industrial applications and harsh environments of up to 2000 square metres.

Aspirating System Power Supplies.
Linear Heat Detection
Heat detection may appear limited in its application due to the time it takes to respond to most fires. The Linear versions however are extremely versatile and useful in certain special applications.

The MZX SensorLaser™ Plus guarantees fast and continuous fire detection even in difficult and varying ambient conditions. The new linear heat detection system enables long and heavily fragmented facilities such as traffic and supply tunnels, cable routes and conveyor belts as well as large-scale buildings such as production halls, cold stores and multi-storey car parks to be monitored at all times. The MZX SensorLaser™ Plus is ideal for use in areas that are hard or impossible to access after installation, e.g. false floors, because maintenance can be carried out from the control unit. The MZX SensorLaser™ Plus delivers precise information about the location of the fire, its size and spreading even under adverse and changing ambient conditions. .

The ProReact range of Digital Linear Heat Detection Cables is designed to trigger a response when a specific temperature is reached. If the temperature surrounding the cable reaches the activation temperature the two cores quickly come into contact and trigger an alarm. These cables are known as ‘digital’ because they are ‘off’ below the activation temperature and irreversibly switch ‘on’ when the activation temperature is reached.
The ProReact Analogue Linear Heat Detection Cable provides an easy installation method for sensing changes in temperature. The analogue technology offers separate Pre-Alarm and Alarm outputs in order to maximise functionality, coupled with open and short circuit detection and discrimination. Ambient temperature compensation maintains alarm temperature accuracy.
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