Scorp 2001 Scorpion ASD Head Unit & Mounting Bracket SCORP2001-001
Scorpion is the solution for testing hard-to-access detectors. Scorp 1011 is suitable for Point and Scorp 2011 for Aspirating Smoke Detection (ASD) systems, Scorpion ensures all smoke detectors can be tested – regardless of location.
Scorp 2001 is suitable for all standard ASD type technologies including obscuration, particle counting and cloud chamber. It can be retrofitted to existing system or installed as part of a new installations.
Scorp 2001 Contains:
- Scorpion ASD Head Unit & Mounting Bracket Scorp 2001-001
Key features include:
- Smoke generation tailored for functional testing of ASD systems
- Adjustable smoke time to suit characteristics of system under test
- Transport time function to monitor ongoing ASD system performance
- In excess of 240 tests (of 15 seconds) per Scorpion
- Suitable for 120 seconds / 100 metre pipe runs
- Light scatter / Particle counting / Cloud chambers
- Helps comply with national and international standards on testing of fire systems
- Scorpion is designed and manufactured by the world’s leading (and only ISO 9001 registered) fire detector test equipment
- Product Code: SCORP 2001-001
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